Monday, September 26, 2005


This is the 3rd time that the circus is touring Singapore, the show that they are putting up this time is called Quidam. Deciding not to be a country bumpkin anymore, I tried taking my family to watch the circus. Not everyone was willing to go, but no matter, I bring whoever is willing.

The acrobatics were breathtaking, the feats of strength and balance stunning, and the clowns were hilarious. They even pressed a brave local girl into joining in the mime on stage (sound effects provided by their live band) and she gamely played along. Another girl and three guys were later pressed into another mime. I think the participation made the evening very much unforgetable for them. Especially the first girl whose hair was totally messed up at the end of the show. What a sweet temper. I think those clowns were experts at judging from a look whether the person could play along well with them.

1 comment:

KopiCat said...

should have said so earlier, whoever you are :)
then you can bring me to see snow.wolf.lake coz now i also broke :p

anyway, thanks for dropping by

hmm... realised that the wordpress-like skin does not show user profiles, so now reverted to a blogger skin.