Friday, June 10, 2005

Energy Fan Girls

Energy is a boyband from Taiwan. They held an autograph session at the shopping mall below my office. Their fans are the uniform-wearing variety. Not JC uniforms, more likely secondary, or maybe even primary.

These kids have a lot of energy. Some had been queueing up since Monday at the MRT station's exit! When I got to office at 9AM, I was amazed to find security guards making them queue up outside Coffee Club on the sealed-off road. After lunch, I fnd them sitting behind baricades at 1AM in the hot sun, some with umbrellas. I wonder if any ambulances had to be called in. Our building management conducted a firedrill the week before, and we were complaining about having to stand in the sun for 15 minutes around 10AM. The things kids will do for love. I hope none of them had piles from sitting for hours in the sun.

By the time I left the office in the evening, there was already a crowd in front of the stage. Finally moved them into air-con! Hope it's the same group that were outside, who got there earliest. If those who got there later went straight to the stage in air-con comfort, then it will be most unfortunate for the poor girls.

Boss was telling us that this is normal, that he also cut out photos of his idols and pasted them into his dunno textbook or notebook when he was their age. I was a little horrified. Somehow I had a little problem mapping his face to those adolescents and imagining him doing the same things. For the sake of retaining my sanity, I shall refrain from writing any more on this topic.

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