Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Sunrise replaces JPluck

I had been using JPluck for over a year to compress websites to plucker format and sync over to my Palm to read offline. Before that, I was using some other older version of Plucker editor to do the plucking, and I thought it was a nice leap to JPluck, which gives me more control over how I want my daily reads to be.

From sourceforge:
JPluck has been succeeded by Sunrise, which is faster, easier to use and contains tons of improvements over JPluck.

Yes, it does seem to be very much of an improvement over JPluck, which would sometimes hang and refuse to sync until I remove all the feeds and add them back in again one by one. I sure hope Sunrise will not give me the same problem.

I can now sync multiple documents at the same time, which is what I had wanted all along. These days, most people have the bandwidth to do that, and it is good that the software is finally able to make use of the bandwidth and get the job done faster. There are also nice little eye candy such as the pop-up message when a pluck has completed. I haven't figured out the link filter or XSLT filter, but the important is that it is easy to use right?

This is still version 0.41, but it is already pretty cool. I had to create a palmgear account to download this, which I'm skeptical about. Am I opening myself to spam? Sigh, give it a try lah.

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