Thursday, April 21, 2005

Floating code factory

Came across this article on doing off-shore software development on a ship while browing slashdot.

Take a used cruise ship, plant it in international waters three miles off the coast of El Segundo, near Los Angeles, people it with 600 of the brightest software engineers they can find around the world (both men and women), and run a 24-hour-a-day programming shop,
thereby avoiding H-1B visa hassles while still exploiting offshore labor cost arbitrage and completing development projects in half the time they'd take onshore or offshore.

The engineer in me would love to work on such a ship for a while, churning out code from a floating base. The efficiency of such an arrangement, the chance to work focused and with committed people, and the unique experience that this will be. Something to boast about. It
will be a sweatshop, no doubt, but if I were a young and aspiring coder, i might give it a try. Life is simplified so you can concentrate on your work.

Check out their site:

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